Fatal Mistakes: Outtakes & B-Sides (2022)

Lips Of London lyrics - Del Amitri

I thought I heard my name
On the lips of London
It might have been the rain
It might've been a dream
There's a cherry stain
On the lips of London
And a nagging pain
Everywhere I've been

There's a ring of cranes
On the lips of London
Tearing at the edges
Pulling up the dead
But I can't forget those lips of London
Say the saddest thing
They ever said

I spent a lot of time
On the lips of London
Living in a bind
And dying to be free
More than a little wine
Passed my lips in London
So when I drink I find
It all comes back to me

There's a ring of cranes
On the lips of London
Tearing at the edges
Pulling up the dead
But I can't forget those lips of London
Say the saddest thing
They ever said

You break a heart in two
You break a spell
And each one is left
With the other's half as well

Thought I heard my name
On the lips of London
But it was just the rain
It was just the wind
And the sweetest thing
About the lips of London
Was how they smiled
To the bitter end

There's a ring of cranes
On the lips of London
Tearing at the edges
Pulling up the dead
But I can't forget those lips of London
Say the saddest thing
They ever said

Gone In A Second lyrics - Del Amitri

Find something to do
Something worth playing
I'm just passing through
Don't think I'll be staying

Cos I promise you I
I'll be gone in a second
Like teardrops dry
I'll be gone in a second

Right out of the blue
Just as you're waking
I'll be there to give you
A little shoulder shaking

But I promise you I
I'll be gone in a second
Like a fleck in your eye
It'll be gone in a second

A second of love, a second of life
A second remembering it right
Watching a soul slip out of sight
Into the ether of the night
In a second...

Find something to do
Before I wander
Into your mind
Like a roll of thunder

Cos I promise you I
I'll be gone in a second
Like a flash of light
It'll be gone in a second

I promise you I
I'll be gone in a second
I promise you I
I'll be gone in a second

I'll be there for you

Cos I promise you I
I'll be gone in a second
I promise you I
I'll be gone in a second...

Shame lyrics - Del Amitri

I'm writing a poem, it's not about you
But this guy you might know him
He's a clown too
Shame, shame, shame
Shame, shame, shame

Well, he's got your name
Dresses the same way
And he acts like the star
Of his own play
He's a typical guy
When he has whiskey in his veins
Just like you and I he lives in shame
Shame, shame, shame

Well, he started a fight with a building
He's always looking for nights
To get killed in
And he waltzes through life
With typical disdain
Just like you and I he lives in shame
Shame, shame, shame

Shame at the states we get in
Shame at the places we've been
Shame at the wells, shame at the bells
Shit what the hell, for everything else
We'll take the blame
Without shame
Shame, shame, shame

So I'm forging ahead with or without you
Meet me at the edge of the cliff
You know you want to
Typical guys, want to go out like a flame
So much better to die
Than live in shame
Shame, shame, shame
Shame, shame, shame

Your Love (Is Killing Me) lyrics - Del Amitri

Your love is killing me
I wake up soaking in bed
In a monsoon of dread
Your love is killing me
I go limping around
From bar to bar in this town

Your love slowly steals
And I can't believe just how good that feels
I get sick and I get well
And I can't wait to go back to hell

Your love is killing me
There's a pain in my side
It feels like shame every night
Your love is killing me
By stealth, by design
By only inches at a time

Your love slowly steals
And I can't believe just how good that feels
I get sick and I get well
And I can't wait to go back to hell

Your love puts the fear in me
How could I ever be without

Your love never heals
And I can't believe just how good that feels
I get sick and I get well
And I can't wait to go back to hell

And I can't wait to go back to hell

Your love is killing me
Your love is killing me
Your love killing me

This City Loves You Back lyrics - Del Amitri

Saw a hipster girl walking her cat
I saw a pig-masked man fall out of a flat
This city loves you back
This city loves you back

I saw a sawn-off police officer huffing up a rail
I saw a jet-liner reverse and hoover up its vapour trail
I saw a school on fire, saw a stag-night choir
Watching a seagull and a rat fight to the death over a flyer
I saw surgeons laughing at a heart attack
Behind a poster claiming this city loves you back
This city loves you back

I saw the cavalry charging at a peacenik brigade
Down the street where all the bands play and vapers parade
I saw a bride get busted, I saw a swan get flayed
I saw a kid fly off the quay where all the battleships were made
I saw a crazy bitch flash her tits on the bonnet of a Rolls
I saw a hacksaw cut clean through the queen of souls
This city loves you back
This city loves you back

So I met you in a nightclub full of casual amputees
Who have their heads removed like chickens on weekend sprees
I never found a home here, I played too safe to crack
I was a wolf in the basement pining for the pack
But you dogged me like a shadow now the city loves me back

This city loves you back
This city loves you back
This city loves you back
This city loves you back
This city loves you back
This city loves you back

Some Mothers Do Have Them lyrics - Del Amitri

Some mothers do have them
Those no mum would choose
But you and I we know now
They're all sons ever lose
A little time to sleep before they die
A little time to never say goodbye

Some mothers do have them
The quiet ones the geeks
And you and I we know now
Must've come across like freaks
A lot of time alone to play guitar
A lot of nights grasping through the dark

What we were looking for was hiding in the liner sleeves
Maybe we took it all too hard or too seriously
Some mothers do have them
Now we just have you and me
You and me

Some mothers do have them
So whatcha gonna do?
They're gonna go their own way
It ain't up to you
So little time to tell them not to fear
But every mother has to disappear

Happiness Is It lyrics - Del Amitri

I'm gonna sing a happy song (everything is dying)
So kick your feet and clap along (we're all going to hell)
I'm gonna sing a happy song
Throw it on the heap of shit you're choking on
To the ever growing hill of junk
I'm gonna add another one

I'm gonna let rip a whoop of joy (everything is burning)
C'mon kill a girl, rape a boy (we're all going to hell)
I'm gonna sing a happy song
Don't give a fuck if you don't sing along
Next year this will all be gone
So hit the pedal bring it on

Hurry up don't be late the suicides start at eight
Last one alive can take some pride
In seeing the last one die

I'm gonna sing a happy song (everything is dying)
Happiness keeps us strong (we're all going to hell)
I'm gonna sing a happy song
'Til my eyes bleed and hair is gone
Main thing is to carry on into the pit
'Cause happiness is it

O My Lazy Baby lyrics - Del Amitri

O my lazy baby I still love you
In spite of all the loving you don't do
And I'm your lazy baby I admit it too
I guess I could make you happy
But don't bother to

O my lazy baby you're a train wreck
A kiss of life could save you on your craned neck
But I'm your lazy baby and I do nothing
But wait for someone stronger
To blow that breath in

I haunt the broken bed
With the force of the long dead
O my lazy baby I can't lift my head

O my lazy baby I still love you
But I don't lift a finger although I want to
'Cause I'm your lazy baby with so much work to do
I guess I could make you happy
But I'm as lazy as you
And if I don't make you happy
Someone else is going to
Do I want to make you happy?
I do, I do, I do

My Adulthood lyrics - Del Amitri

I've been living like a child all my adulthood
Waiting for a man to take my place
There's a river of denial runs through my adulthood
I don't know who owns this face

I've wasted every day of my adulthood
I've spilled it on the ground like rain
I don't know when this became my adulthood
Since I refused to change a thing

My adulthood is just a name I took
From the other adults that I saw
And little did I know, nobody ever grows
They just pretend that it's all like before

I'm way past the salad days of my adulthood
Not even mirrored shades can hide that truth
I thought I'd run away from my adulthood
Since I escaped the cage of my youth

My adulthood is a masquerade I took
From the other adults that I knew
And little did I know, nobody ever grows
They just carry on as children do
Like I've carried all my adulthood
This thing I had to do
Suspend my adulthood, so every day I could
Be free from you

At The End Of The Lightning lyrics - Del Amitri

The western approaches go by in a flash
And the joke I call home is just a party I crash
So I lie on the pillow so desperate to go
Back to the playground of the show

I look from the window, watch the world standing still
Feel the floorboards sliding with just the force of will
I taste the dirt of the cities that I thundered through
See the battalions of taxis that I fell into

At the end of the lightning is the life that I know
I hit the ground like a hailstone and melt into the flow

As you lay dying
I was coasting on a shaky stage
Living large at the end of the lightning
Tearing out another page

My five o'clock shadow has turned to midnight snow
I share laughs with your widow, but the punchline I don't wanna know
I pine for the motion and long for the van to go
Be at the other end of the lightning with the ground so far below
